2012 bring it on, lots of sewing ......
Ive been surfing my blogs and admiring every ones 2011 finishes, I would love to show you a fancy collage of all my finishes but I'm technically challenged by that so its the usual big pics
First up
My favourite quilt of the year my Roses around the Logcabin, this quilt took me up till May to complete, as it was hand applique.
This sewing machine cover was a quick project and a nice change, it was made up from left over flowers and its raw edge applique with straight stitch.
Flying Geese Applique Quilt, my quilting really improved a lot this year, I really enjoyed sewing lots of feathers on this quilt.
This is Katie's teddy quilt, I finished the top years ago, so it just needed quilting.
Um that's it really for finishes er that makes a grand total of four!
My carry over WIP's
My Poppy quilt, this is definitely my Nemesis and the reason I haven't posted since October, its close ish to a finish and I do love it but I just can't get myself to work on it very often.
My summer distraction was hexies, I took them everywhere and made loads, its bigger now than in the picture, but its nowhere near a finish as I don't like the colour contrast.
Well that's it my 2011 round up.
Happy New Year, I wish you loads of happiness and health!
Happy sewing