Happy Days Quilting

A blog about Applique and Quilting

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Birthday Gadget

I have a new toy, its a Wacom Bamboo Fun, Pen and Touch design tablet, I had it for my birthday last month.

I want to use it to draw out different quilting designs on photos of my quilts, I'm totally inspired by Carla Barrett, she is an awesome Quilt Whisperer and she has an interactive teaching course called Tablet Design for Quilters Class, where you can pay to learn all about designing and planing the quilting for your quilts using a design tablet, her website is called Feathered Fibers.


I'm still learning how to use it at the moment and don't have any photos to share but hopefully in a few months I will be clever enough to sign up for one of her classes!
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Happy sewing!

Monday, 14 May 2012

New York Beauty

Its a flimsy!

It has been made using a Kona charm pack and Kona white.

It's ready to be quilted, I just need to come up with some quilting ideas to fill up all that white space, I'm not intimidated MUCH!

This post is linking up with Sew Modern Monday, Sew Happy Geek and Patchworktimes

Sew Happy Geek

Happy sewing!

Sunday, 13 May 2012

I've missed blogging!

Its been ages again since I last posted, and its not the decorating this time that has kept me busy.

My youngest daughter Katie has been quite poorly, her eczema has flared up really badly and we have had numerous doctor and hospital visits, overnight hospital stays and endless sleepless nights over the last two months, the itching has driven her crazy!, She is now seeing a specialist and has started to improve thank fully and our fingers are crossed that it continues.

My sewing time has been nil for several weeks but I have managed to sew my New York Beauty top together, I'm hoping to take some pics to post soon and I have planned two new quilts.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Happy sewing!